US16T Ejection Seat

Designed for the supersonic T-38 Talon advanced trainers of the US Air Force and Air Education and Training Command (AETC).

US16T For T-38 Talon

11 lives saved using the US16T Ejection Seat

Over 800 US16T seats in service

In June 2005, Martin-Baker was selected to upgrade the escape system in the supersonic T-38 Talon advanced trainers of the US Air Force and Air Education and Training Command (AETC). The seat was designated the US16T.

This major project has improved pilot safety, increased accommodation and guaranteed ejection seat logistic to ensure that the Talon remains one of the best advanced training aircraft in the world. The seat offers a state-of-the-art, lifesaving performance, which interfaces with the existing canopy jettison system and the contents of the Personal Survival Pack (PSP) matches operator’s requirements to suit the aircraft role. The seat also offers maximum possible pilot size and weight range accommodation (without airframe changes), with a simple seat installation and reduced life cycle costs.

Aircraft fitted: F-5, T-38
Operating ceiling 50 000ft (15,250m)
Minimum height/speedZero/zero in near level attitude
Crew boarding mass range 57.1 to 123.8kg
Crew size rangeJPATS multi-variate body size cases 1 to 6
Maximum Speed for ejection600 KIAS
Parachute typeGQ Type 5000
Parachute deployment Cartridge initiated
Drogue parachuteYes
Drogue deploymentCartridge initiated, tilt and deploy
Harness typeTorso
Ejection seat operation typeEjection guns and underseat rocket motor
Ejection gunTwin
Ejection initiationHandle on seat bucket initiates gas-operated seat
Automatic back-up unitYes
Electronic sequencerNo
Barostatic time-release unitYes + g-restrictor, cartridge initiated
TimersTime delay cartridges
Seat adjustmentUp/down actuator operated 115 Vac, fore/aft manual backrest adjustment
Arm restraintsNo
Leg restraintsYes, four garters
Oxygen supplyBottled emergency oxygen
Seat survival kit (SSK) Yes + automatic deployment and liferaft inflation
Aircrew servicesConnection to main oxygen supply, mic/tel
Command ejectionYes
Canopy jettisonYes
Miniature detonating cordNo
Interseat Sequencing System (ISS)Yes, via mode selecto

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