Carl Pio Parlatore, Colonel, USAF (Ret.)

Tie Club # 4105

On 3 Sep 68 I was a Backseat Pilot (GIB – guy-in-back) assigned to the 391st TFS, 12th TFW, Cam Ranh Bay AB, VN, assigned to fly F-4C 64-0681 on the 15 minute alert pad. My front seater was Major Tom Assalone, RIP. We were scrambled to provide close air support for a special forces camp in III Crops that was under siege. Our target was a hidden AAA sight. On our first pass, at 450kts at 500 feet, dropping Mk-82 High Drags, we were hit with very accurate 14.7MM AAA. The aircraft went into a violent roll and we had to eject. The MB H-7 work flawlessly.

I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for that ejection seat!

Thanks Martin-Baker.

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