A two-person crew of an A-29 Super Tucano light attack/trainer aircraft ejected safely Last week in a residential area near Moody Air Force Base, Ga.
The pilots successfully initiated their Martin-Baker Mk10 ejection seats and landed in a wooded, residential area according to reports. The two aircrew are the eighth and ninth safe ejections from the Super Tucano since the first ejection in 2000.
“We’re extremely thankful for two more safe ejections, and that the crew members survived,” said Jim Martin, Martin-Baker Co-Managing Director. “It is a testament to the outstanding work Martin-Baker employees do every day that these pilots should be able to fly again.”
There are currently 229 Super Tucano aircraft in service in 10 countries.
Martin-Baker, headquartered in Denham, England, have saved the lives of 7,539 aircrew since the 1940s. As the world’s leading manufacturer of ejection seats and crash-worthy seats, Martin-Baker are dedicated to saving aircrew lives. With more than 17,000 seats in 93 countries and 56 air forces, we serve more than 53 percent of the ejection seat market.